Hearing aids are a good fit for you if you strain to hear any conversations around. The hearing loss could be a result of many factors depending on the type of hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss has a variety of causes such as:
• Infection to the ear canal or middle ear, which can result in the formation of fluids or pus inside the ear.
• A perforated or scarred eardrum
• A build-up of wax inside the ear canal.
• Having foreign things inside the ear
• Otosclerosis, which is the growth of the bone in the middle ear abnormally.
• Ossicles which refers to the dislocating middle ear bones.
• Having abnormal tumors and growths.
Most of these conditions can be resolved using surgery or medication, which can restore the ability to hear. In the event you still experience a hearing issue, you can use an invisible hearing aid. Sensorineural hearing loss can occur as a result of:
• Ageing or injuries.
• Exposure to excessive noise.
• Ménière’s disease which is a disorder that affects the inner ear affecting your balance as well as hearing.
• Infections from viruses such as measles and mumps. Other conditions, such as shingles, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.
• Smoking,
• Acoustic tumors as well as hereditary causes.
You can get a medical exam to determine the cause of the hearing loss. You will also get advice on how to treat the condition. You may require to use a discreet hearing aid, cochlea implant or other assistive devices. Common symptoms of hearing loss include asking other people to repeat themselves constantly, you use a louder TV volume than other people, having trouble grasping conversations around you when in noisy places, having ringing in your ear, as well as having trouble hearing high pitched noises. People around you can also tell you that you have a hearing problem frequently. You can see medical assistance to get a hearing test.